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- "Treatment of arthritis of the first metacarpo – phalangeal joint with excision of the trapezium and tendon interposition - 15 years' experience and review of the literature" Orthopaedics (Journal of the Orthopaedic Association of Macedonia-Thrace), Section 19 No 1, 2006.
Best Paper Award for the year 2006 (750 €), an award at the annual meeting of Orthopaedic Association of Northern Greece.
- "Analysis of mechanical stresses in patients with herniated intervertebral disc before and after epidural infusion with corticosteroid" Orthopaedics (Journal of the Orthopaedic Association of Macedonia-Thrace) 2007; 20 (1) :36-47.
Best Paper Award for the year 2007 (750 €), an award at the meeting of Orthopaedic Association of Northern Greece.
- "Arthroscopic classification of femoral head necrosis" Conference OTEMATH 2008.
Prize for best oral presentation at the conference OTEMATH 2009 (1600 €).
- Awarding scholarship (8.000 €) after examinations for postgraduate studies abroad (fellowship), conference OTEMATH, 2009.